My Protection Plan – Life, Trauma and Income Protection:

My Protection Plan – Wealth Focus is pleased to offer My Protection Plan, a low cost life, trauma and income protection policy in conjunction with Nobleoak Financial Services, a wholesale insurance provider.
Additional discounts for professionals
Unlike many of the other insurance providers out there, My Protection Plan recognises the added value in having professionals as policyholders. As a result, you may find that your occupation qualifies for additional discounts on our standard rates. If you would like to know more about whether your occupation qualifies you for a discount please call us on 1300 55 98 69 or alternatively you can quote online using our online quote system.
Low cost insurance
By providing a large number of investors with Death, Trauma, TPD and Income Protection benefits, Wealth Focus and Nobleoak have been able to secure a wholesale insurance policy to provide benefits and lower cost premiums.
Why are the premiums so competitive?
Aside from accessing a plan at wholesale rates, our in-built commission levels are relatively low. Whilst some insurers pay commissions of up to 120% of the first year’s premium plus 20% thereafter as a commission to financial planners, our streamlined process reduces our overheads and allows us to offer products like My Protection Plan that only pay 25% pa to planners.
What determines the cost of the premiums I pay?
Primarily, cost is determined by your age and sex. It’s a fact that the older you are the more likely you are to claim. Women also live longer than men, resulting in lower costs for life insurance, however, they are more likely to suffer long term illness and as a result, trauma and income protection premiums are higher than those for men.
Additionally, insurance providers will always want to consider your medical history. In most cases minor ailments or illnesses suffered a long time ago are ignored, however, the more recent/serious illnesses may have an impact on the overall cost of your premiums. The reality is that an underwriter effectively looks up your conditions for someone of your age etc in their big book of underwriting and can see if there is a significant increase in mortality and morbidity rates. If so, they may ask for an increase in the rates they charge you. Its important to note that they will always do this at the outset of a policy and will not increase rates due to your health deteriorating at a later date.My Protection Plan also offers discounts of 25% on their standard premiums for certain occupations, based on their qualifications and/or level of income.
How much will this cost me?
As an online investment broker we understand that what you really want is to be able to compare and apply as quickly and easily as possible. For this purpose we have developed an online quote facility allowing you to find out the cost immediately
How can I apply?
You can request or download an application online through our online quote process or alternatively call us on 1300 55 98 69 and request a form to be sent.