Funds Focus Newsletter January 2013

Melbourne Cup 2012

An analysts view of this year’s horses
Fun for the Melbourne Cup. With many clients feeling disgruntled with the markets, investment analysts may have found themselves at a loss of what to do with their spare time. Fortunately, the Melbourne Cup has come round again!

An analysts view of the Melbourne Cup means that its not about who’s going to win, but who will provide the best bang for your buck!

Macquarie has had an excellent track record with an in depth analysis for those of you that

Melbourne Cup, analysis

Where to next?

The ASX S&P200 was flat in 2010, recovering from a mid year setback related to European debt concerns.

Investors find themselves questioning whether now is a good time to invest. Our view remains that opportunity exists in times of uncertainty.

Investors may take comfort in the long term performance of the All Ordinaries price index. The long term trend shows that Australian equities are trading near their historical valuation mid point.

All Ordinaries Price Index – Long Term

Invest, long term performance, investment

First Time Buyers – A planner’s perspective

First Home Saver Accounts
The recent establishment of First Home Savers Accounts has provided investors looking to purchase their first home with an opportunity to get a return of over 50%pa.

A First Home Saver Account (FHSA) is designed for home buyers who are trying to save for their first home. The FHSA is a commitment to saving as a FHSA must receive minimum contributions over four financial years and can only be used to purchase a home once this condition has been satisfied.


Invest, Buyer, first ime buyers, fist home savers account, mortgages