Funds Focus Newsletter January 2013

The psychology of investment – Are we forced to repeat the same mistakes?

With investors seeing the investment markets moving more in a day than in a whole year, the mental uncertainty this creates means that investors can find themselves sitting in the sidelines watching the window of opportunity pass them by. We find it very easy to throw money at the markets when times are good but are reticent to invest when the market has fallen and prices are low.

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the psychology of investing and why we have a tendency to repeat the same

Psychology, psychology of investments, emotional investing, risk profiling

Choosing when to invest

Where to next?
Short term predictions can be a bit of lottery at the moment but with the ASX 200 sitting at 40% the level it was a year ago, you can be rest assured that whatever level you buy in at, you’re getting it at a much lower cost than 12 months ago.

Choosing when to invest, or ‘timing’ the market, is impossible to predict yet its one of the most important factors in determining the return on your investment. Missing out on even a day or two, can significantly impact your long-

2008, where to next, short term prediction

Investing in interesting times

Tax effective opportunities
With the end of the tax year fast approaching we consider the tax and investment opportunities of margin lending, agribusiness and unlisted property funds.

Looking back on the financial year, we have certainly been through some interesting times. The US sub-prime crisis has thrown up uncertainty in the market, and one thing
the market dosen’t like is uncertainty.
Many financial institutions have been forced to write down billions of dollars

investing in interesting times; tax effective opportunities; diversification; funds focus; financial advice; Sydney financial advice