Funds Focus Newsletter January 2013

cash locked CPPI capital protected product solution

Unlocking Cash Locked Capital Protection

Tackling the shortfall – Where to from here?

Once you have made the decision to move from your CPPI / Threshold Managed Product, for many, the problem is a shortfall on the investment loan. Deciding to redeem your investment early may result in you needing to fund a shortfall between the loan and investment amount.

There have been some efforts to provide an alternative

Perpetual launched their seemingly counter-intuitive “Fund (re-)

NAB, capital protection, CPPI, commission rebates

Boutique Funds – Managed Funds Review

Little Gems

With many investors considering re-entering the markets, we consider the opportunity of investing through boutique funds.

The managed funds space has historically been dominated by a handful of large companies offering a wide array of managed funds to investors. More often than not, these funds perform solidly until their large size inhibits their ability to generate outperformance.

More often than not, risk management then dictates the portfolio composition rather than the

Boutique Funds, investment aims, investment strategies

Margin Lending

“Give me a lever long enough and I could move the world“ – Archimedes


I am sure the Global Financial Crisis is not quite the context which Archimedes had in mind when he made this statement. Too much easy money has flooded our financial system leading to global repercussions.

Unfortunately this easy money led to investors taking on too much leverage and investing in assets which have not stood the test of time (Babcock and Brown et al). Lending practices of Opes Prime and

Margin lending