Funds Focus Newsletter January 2013

Tax effective investing

With the end of the tax year fast approaching it makes sense to cover some of the tax incentives and strategies available to help you reduce your tax.
Income Splitting

Income splitting is one of the simplest and effective ways of reducing your tax liability. By putting investments into the name of a partner in a lower tax bracket, you can reduce the tax payable on gains and income from that investment.

Pay more into your superannuation

With an ageing population, the

tax effective investment; income splitting; financial advice; funds focus

Tips for 2008 from NW Advice

Eight for 2008 from NW Advice
Andrew Reeve-Parker, Director of NW Advice, offers his eight top tips for the year ahead

Give your Tax File Number to your Super Fund

If you don’t, the ATO will deduct 46.5% from your employer contributions and deny your personal contributions.

Timing your Investment

if you are sitting on cash, resign yourself to never being able to pick the bottom of the market. You can however put the

Tax, financial advice;, review, advice, tax effective

Finding the right personal insurance

A major consideration in looking for personal insurance is just what do you insure yourself for? There are a number of variations in the types of personal insurance that you can purchase and its easy to get hung up on the small print of this policy versus that policy. Essentially they do the same thing and the worst thing you can do is overcomplicate the process and end up with nothing. Remember, when it comes to insuring yourself & family, something is always better than nothing.

Income, zurich, life, trauma, tpd, protection, incurance