Funds Focus Newsletter January 2013

Trail Commission Rebate Service

Trail Rebate Program – Offer Launch
Having witnessed one of the largest falls in share market history, nearly all investors are likely to have seen considerable falls in their portfolio value.

What many investors don’t realise is that aside from choosing how to invest your money, you can enhance your returns by reducing the fees you pay by simply switching brokers.

Aimed at investors that;

• haven’t heard from their planner since setting up their

trail rebate program

Managed Futures – Future thinking

Managed futures are one of the few asset classes that provided investor returns in 2008. We consider the benefits of including this asset class within your portfolio
With the huge turmoil in the markets over the last 18 months or so, most of the clients I have spoken to recently have been questioning whether you can expect to generate any investment returns in this climate. Equities have fallen by about half their value, property has been in turmoil, corporate bonds aren’t favoured since

funds focus; Managed futures; hedge fund index report; falling parket; profit; financial advice

Corporate and Government Bonds – Providing an income

The search for income in a low interest rate environment
Government bonds performed well for investors in 2008 whilst coporate bonds were overlooked. We consider the opportunity for investors in 2009, whether government bonds now look to be overvalued and how to gain exposure to this sector.
The ructions in investment markets over the past 20 months have produced an unusual investment opportunity: equity like returns with bondholder security. Investment grade corporate bonds are offering

income funds; corporate bonds; funds focus, financial advice;