Funds Focus Newsletter January 2013

Future thinking – Providing returns in a falling market

Managed Futures

Of the many sub-divisions of funds offering some type of exposure to absolute returns, I have personally always been a little wary of the qualitative fund of hedge funds, primarily because there is always that element of being charged fees on top of fees and also because the individual making the investment decisions works in financial services. By nature, they are likely to be naturally optimistic about the share market resulting in a psychological bias towards the

managed futures, absolute returns, managed futures programs

Back to Basics – Capital Protection

Protection when there’s blood on the streets
We have seen some significant falls in the sharemarket over the last 18 months. Increase in investor anxiety over equity investments has in turn seen a huge rise in the demand for capital protected and capital guaranteed products.

This issue’s Back to Basics considers whether now is the time to look for capital protection within your portfolio and what are the differences in the structures currently available?

One of Warren Buffett’s most

capital protection

A-REITs: Neville Ward Advice offer insights into listed property

A-REITS: Despair or a new dawn?
Andrew Reeve-Parker, Director of NW Advice,
offers his insight into listed property


The Australian Real Estate Investment Trust (A-REIT) index is down 59.6% on a rolling 12 month basis and with intra-day swings in excess of 10%, the conservative landlord image is not washing with spooked investors.  As tracked by the SPDR exchange traded fund, SLF, the trailing yield is 16.6%. Unfortunately trailing yields are not going to be accurate in the

A-REITS, distribution growth, the australian real estate investment trust