Invitation - Meet the Manager
Man Investments Market Update |
Wealth Focus would like to invite you to attend the 2010 Man OM-IP Funds Market Update to be held in Perth on Monday 10th May and Adelaide on Tuesday 11th May.
Whether you are an existing investor or just looking to gain some clarity on the opportunities that may rise in 2010, we would love to see you at this market update. |
Monday 10th May (Perth) - 6pm |
Hyatt Regency Perth
Plaza Ballroom I
99 Adelaide Terrace
Perth |
Tuesday 11th May (Adelaide) - 6pm |
InterContinental Adelaide
Banksia Room
North Terrace
Adelaide |
Via our online link or call 1300 559 869 |

Man Investments – 2010 Man OM-IP Funds Market Update
This presentation
examines the post-crisis investment climate and takes a closer look at how the Man OM-IP funds
have performed. While the economic crisis provided opportunities for the funds in 2008 resulting in
strong positive returns, the 2009 recovery has presented a more challenging environment.
The presentation is expected to run for approximately one hour and will give you the opportunity to
ask questions about Man OM-IP investments. Light refreshments will be served.
Sulieman Ravell
Wealth Focus Pty Ltd
|  |
Contact Details P: 1300 55 98 69 | F: 1300 55 98 70
Office: Suite 7, 49-53 North Steyne, Manly NSW 2095 | Postal Address: PO Box 760, Manly, NSW 1655
Wealth Focus Pty Ltd ABN: 87 123 556 730 ( AFSL No: 314 872 )
© 2010 Wealth Focus Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. |
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Disclaimer: This email is issued by Wealth Focus Pty Ltd, *ABN 87 123 556 730, AFSL 314 872. This email, attachments and web links should not in any way be construed as providing securities advice or an endorsement or recommendation of any security or product. In sending you this email we have not taken into consideration your investment objectives or your investment needs and make no representation as to the suitability or otherwise of any product, or security, to you. Before making any investment decision or purchase, you should fully satisfy yourself as to the suitability of any security or product you are considering, to your own particular circumstances, read the PDS, and if necessary seek professional investment and tax advice. We recommend that you read our Financial Services Guide. |