Initial Investment | $1,000 |
Number of funds | 90 |
Colonial First State FirstChoice Master Trust is available to Wealth Focus investors with no initial set up fees. | ||||||||||||||||
CFS FirstChoice is a fund supermarket offering a wide range of fund managers through one investment platform. | ||||||||||||||||
By offering a wide range of investment funds, you are able to cherry pick investment managers from each sector, allowing you to choose the most appropriate managers for your needs. | ||||||||||||||||
Reduce your administrative burden by placing all your investments through one flexible investment platform. | ||||||||||||||||
Fund supermarkets such as Colonial First State’s FirstChoice were created to reduce the administrative burden on you, allowing you to switch funds at little or no cost. | ||||||||||||||||
The CFS FirstChoice Master Trust allows you to: | ||||||||||||||||
Apply for several different managed funds across a number of different fund managers with just one application.
Keep a track on paperwork from numerous sources.
Make fund switches quickly and easily, over the phone, by fax or in writing.
Avoid having to make a new application every time you want to switch or invest in a new fund.
Switch funds at little or no cost, avoiding the cost of initial charges each time you wish to switch to a new fund.
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Wealth Focus does not receive a commission or charge adviser fees for nil advice clients.