
Setting up a Self Managed Super Fund

Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are currently the fastest growing sector of the Superannuation market, as investors continue to look for more control of their investments. However, there are a number of trust law and legislative requirements involved in setting up a self managed superannuation fund. If you are thinking about setting up a fund, you may find it useful to consult a financial planner before committing to this option.

Our affiliated SMSF providers can help you run through all aspects of the set up process, including:

  • Establishing Trust Deeds
  • Members’ applications
  • Trustee minutes
  • Statement by trustees
  • TFN & ABN application
  • Election to become a regulated super fund
  • Discussion regarding how SMSF’s operate and allowable investments

Our ongoing service ensures your SMSF remains compliant whilst providing you with options for the most appropriate and tax efficient investments.