Search results of Tag: trauma

Finding the right personal insurance

A major consideration in looking for personal insurance is just what do you insure yourself for? There are a number of variations in the types of personal insurance that you can purchase and its easy to get hung up on the small print of this policy versus that policy. Essentially they do the same thing and the worst thing you can do is overcomplicate the process and end up with nothing. Remember, when it comes to insuring yourself & family, something is always better than nothing.

Income, zurich, life, trauma, tpd, protection, incurance

Personal Insurance Cover

This article focuses on personal insurance, how and what you need to look out for as well as our top tips in looking for an insurance policy.
Dead Money – The cornerstone of good financial planning?
I‘ve advised many clients over the years and the fact remains that whilst the single most important product that anyone can ever buy is insurance, this is one thing that clients don’t have and most often, have not considered. There is a feeling that insurance premiums are ‘dead money’. It

Income, zurich, insurance, life, trauma, tpd, protection